KYC verifications

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The best logistics companies are automating their vendor onboarding process

An increase in online orders has pushed logistics companies to expand their network rapidly. This has led to an exponential rise in operational costs and TAT for onboarding vendors.



The best logistics companies use AI-powered onboarding solutions to conduct vendor’s digital KYC verification. It reduces their operational costs by 90% and TAT to 2-3 minutes.



With the pandemic fueling the ecommerce sector, the supporting logistics sector cannot overlook the critical need for automation in their onboarding process.


Digital KYC verification of your delivery partners in 2 minutes

An increase in demand for logistics services has made it difficult to scale with manual verification and authentication of  delivery partners. 


IDfy’s AI-based verification and authentication solutions help in scaling faster while protecting companies from fraudulent activities.


The Indian logistics leaders have expanded without worrying about their partners’ authenticity by integrating IDfy’s AI-based solutions for individual ID collection, extraction, and verification.


Digital Asset Verification for Logistics Leaders

Drop-offs and delays in the asset onboarding process are caused by complications in processing RC and other vehicle documentation. 


IDfy uses RC and other vehicle documents to verify insurance, ownership and PUC for logistics companies.


With instant and easy verification of standard and non-standard documents, the country’s logistics giants have scaled up massively.

How our solution works


Step 1: Capture identity proof


Step 2: Collection & digitization of information

onboard- Digital KYC Verification

Step 3: Verification and authentication

Digital KYC Verification

Step 4: Successfully onboarded

How our solution works

IDfy Checks

IDfy Checks

Companies we’re helping

Companies we’re helping

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