
Name Compare Check

IDfy’s Name Compare API ensures that the documents provided to you belong to the individuals you expect them to. Automate workflows by eliminating the need to manually eyeball and compare names across multiple documents and forms.

IDfy’s face compare API takes two names as inputs and returns a match score to help you take decisions faster.


Pair it with IDfy’s OCR APIs to completely automate your workflows and get your onboarding process right first time!

Automate workflows

Completely remove the need to manually reconcile data between multiple documents


Tackle fraud at source

Eliminate fraudulent individuals during the onboarding process


Onboard faster

Comparing names manually is cumbersome. Allow a smart algorithm to do it for you!

Unlocking value for global leaders

How it works

Provide two names as input, and we’ll provide you with a match score.

eSign API_Input2
Match score between 1 to 5

Unlocking value for global leaders




Verification only requires two inputs - the names to be compared



TAT of the API is very low, enabling real time authentication

Quick integration

API structure is straightforward, enabling super quick integrations

A one-time, trouble-free integration

Our industry-leading API easily gets integrated with your existing workflows and processes.

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