Blog Overview Aadhaar card XML – How UIDAI’s offline verification method works

Aadhaar card XML – How UIDAI’s offline verification method works

In Aadhaar card XML, all the resident’s demographic data is downloaded by default and the choice is illusionary. This could potentially be a larger source of personal data leakage and identity theft.

The most comprehensive and definitive guide to Offline Aadhaar card XML – how it works, its pros and cons, and what the consumer and organization need to do to use it effectively to meet KYC norms as well as protect themselves from fraud.

The Great Aadhaar Privacy Debate

After a long legal battle on Aadhaar, the Supreme Court pronounced a judgement that had far reaching effects on not just the way Aadhaar is used, but also on the private sector businesses’ ability to onboard customers.

It, in effect, stopped all e-KYC (except for Direct Benefits Transfer) and dealt a blow to digitization efforts and the adoption of Aadhaar itself. It would no longer be so easy to onboard users remotely. Nor would it be possible to verify Aadhaar details from the CIDR until an Act of Law (such as PMLA or Telegraph) expressly allows Aadhaar authentication for the sector.

UIDAI’s Offline Aadhaar card XML Verification

The UIDAI proposed a mechanism for “Offline Aadhaar Data Verification Service”. The offline method, they argued, would still provide an Aadhaar-based verification service without the resident having to share either their Aadhaar number or their biometric information. The keyword is Aadhaar-based verification and not authentication.

Also read, how Offline Aadhaar heralds a digital-age KYC process but stops short of making a complete shift.

Read: Digital KYC Solutions

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