Blog Overview Onboardology Vol. 1 – HR newsletter

Onboardology Vol. 1 – HR newsletter

Onboardology an HR newsletter

…… because hiring is hard

Hiring is tough in the best of times. Times like these….phew!!

Lockdowns, unpredictable business, constantly changing targets – it’s just not easing up

As usual, HR is expected to pivot, pirouette and do all sorts of contortions to adapt to the ‘new normal’. As usual, business is not able to give enough advance warning. As usual, HR is picking up the pain.

“What are the most painful changes that are emerging in 2021?”

We heard many, many challenges:

• attracting talent is hard
• offer to joining conversion ratio is low
• need to figure out remote onboarding
• clunky HRMS is slowing progress
• compensation benchmarks are changing too fast
• …….

After all these conversations, I realize there’s really no way we could have predicted this. There’s no way we could have been fully prepared for this once-in-a-lifetime global pandemic.

Nobody warned us on how HR would be so dramatically impacted by these times.

So here in IDfy, we want to start helping in our own little way.

We would like to offer you curated useful insights for the HR community. Practical information or the 4 T’s as we like to call them – tips, trends, techniques, and technology.

So here we are – launching Onboardology. A crisp, once-a-month, newsletter that aims to make you look good in front of your boss 🙂

Half-jokes aside, it is an attempt to give back to the community that IDfy owes so much to.

We know how you’re inundated with email already.

But we have taken the liberty to add you to this newsletter, as we’ve interacted with you before. In case you feel you do not wish to be included, you can unsubscribe via the link at the bottom at any time.

So here’s version 1 of Onboardology …

Feature of the month

HR newsletter

I chose this article because WFH is hurting employee engagement everywhere.

I like how the author has combined the concept of Stephen Covey’s Circles of Influence with Julian Rotter’s Locus of Control.
This is overlaid with the five related elements of employee engagement: Meaning, Autonomy, Growth, Impact, and Connection aka MAGIC

What to do if an employee refuses vaccination?

Some tips and tricks on how to incentivise your workforce to get vaccinated.

LWD fraud is emerging as a leading risk factor in hiring.

Misrepresenting the Last Working Day has become an increasingly common find during background checks. An incorrect LWD is used by candidates to cover up any gaps or performance-based dismissals. In rare cases, it is a case of espionage where candidates are looking to steal competitor IP.
This article, from the IDfy research team categorises where this risk is maximum and talks about why this particular fraud is trending upwards.

On a lighter note

Getting back to office

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