Blog Overview Outplacement – The new buzzword of 2023 is here

Outplacement – The new buzzword of 2023 is here

Thank you for the overwhelming response to my last email on how HR professionals deal with downsizing. It’s clear that many of us have had to deal with the subject and some of those wounds are still raw. Thank you, again, for sharing your thoughts and feelings candidly.

Given the way our economy is structured, we probably need to learn to live with this phenomenon of downsizing. But are there ways we can cushion the fall, and make it more bearable for everyone concerned?

This is the subject I am exploring in this month’s edition of Onboardology.
Some companies have started outplacement services for employees they are letting go. That is, they assist them in getting jobs in other companies. While there is merit in the thought, like most things in life, a lot depends on its execution.

This gentleman I spoke with recently told me about his experience with Outplacement. He was working at a large consulting firm when it was decided that they should part ways.

“All they did was pass my number to a bunch of headhunters,” he said. He did, eventually, find a job through one of them and is very happy in his new job. While a lot more could have been done by way of Outplacement, “at least they had something like this” is his final verdict.

The Reverse Job Portal

Not quite, but you get the idea. Somebody’s loss can be somebody else’s gain. Try the unconventional – set up a reverse job portal, where affected employees can choose to list their CVs and work portfolios for potential employers. Then go all out and promote it online and leave the rest for social media to work its magic.

Career Services
I was speaking with a senior ex-colleague of mine who’s been with the company for a long time. I asked him how, in today’s day and age, he has stuck with a company for this long. He said that his biggest obstacle to looking for a job is making a CV. “I don’t know how to write one,” he said jokingly.

While he made that comment in jest, it is a reality for a lot of people. Especially those who’ve been working for long tenures at a company. They simply don’t know how to go about looking for a job. A task like making a CV can appear easy for some, but it is quite a challenge for many others. Job search, interview skills, salary negotiations, and skill development are services that go a long way to help a victim of downsizing get a job.

The Network Effect
Referrals remain the best source of finding employees, and this situation is no different. A peer who recently switched jobs told me, “Like a Godfather, my boss gave me a reference at the last minute that got me an interview at a great company. I never thought to ask him, Maybe I should have asked earlier…”

Chances are that employees staying on are significantly networked in the industry and can make referrals on behalf of those who have been let go. Find a way to formalise this network – even incentivise folks who step up. You will definitely notice the difference.

A layoff doesn’t always have to be the end of the world for a departing employee. With adequate support and empathy, we have the power to make that difference and ensure they thrive, even prosper, as they move on.

Do you use any specific tools for outplacement? If the idea of Outplacement is something of interest – then I’d love to jump on a call and understand whether IDfy can help in any way.

Just reply here and I’ll reach out to you.

People trends for 2023: the future of HR management

Employees have transitioned between remote work, hybrid setups, and in-office work in 2023.

To be successful, the HR and People team must use a data-driven way to handle turnover, recruitment, virtual learning, and diversity.

Read more here.

Employment rate on the rise in Q1 2023 – a result of the push for local manufacturing

Large-scale enterprises lead the way in higher hiring sentiment (69%), followed by medium and small businesses (44% and 39% respectively).

The government’s plans to strengthen domestic manufacturing have resulted in the development of new jobs in the industry. 60% of manufacturing firms plan to hire and increase their workforce in the first quarter of 2023.
Read more here.

Nearly 70% of Indian workers ask for more flexibility in their jobs

Indians are willing to take a pay drop in exchange for greater control over their working hours and the certainty of working remotely or in a hybrid setting.

Initiatives such as a flextime system or reorganising employee working hours to four days are currently worth serious consideration in order to recruit and retain the best talent.
Read more here.

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