Blog Overview Steps to Pre-Onboarding: Make Your New Hires Feel at Home!

Steps to Pre-Onboarding: Make Your New Hires Feel at Home!

Hey there! Welcome to our blog, where we’re going to dive deep into the world of pre-onboarding and how it can revolutionize your onboarding process. Pre-onboarding is like the appetizer before the main course—it sets the stage for a fantastic employee experience and ensures your new hires feel like the superstars they are! So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s get started!

The Pre-Onboarding Buzz

Picture this: you’ve just accepted a job offer, and you’re brimming with excitement about joining a new company. But then, the days start to tick by, and you’re left wondering, “What’s next?” That’s where pre-onboarding comes in. It’s the process of engaging with new hires between the acceptance of an offer and their official start date.

The Power of Personalization

Pre-onboarding is an excellent opportunity to personalize the onboarding experience for each individual. Gone are the days of generic welcome emails and paperwork overload. Instead, you can send a heartfelt welcome message, introduce them to their future team members, or even send them a company swag package. In this way, you can set a positive tone and make your new hires feel valued right from the start.

Steps of Cultivating Connection

Building connections early on is crucial for employee engagement and retention. Pre-onboarding provides the perfect window to foster these connections. Encourage your new hires to connect with their future colleagues through social media or schedule virtual coffee chats. By doing so, you create a sense of belonging and help break the ice before day one.

When it comes to pre-onboarding, cultivating connections is a vital aspect of ensuring a smooth and successful onboarding experience for your new hires. Building relationships early on sets the stage for a positive and engaging employee journey. Let’s explore some steps you can take to foster those meaningful connections:

Step 1: Welcome Messages

As soon as a new hire accepts your offer, seize the opportunity to send a warm and personalized welcome message. Address them by name, express your excitement about their upcoming arrival, and let them know that they are already a valued member of the team. This simple gesture sets a friendly and welcoming tone from the start.

Step 2: Introduce the Team

Introducing new hires to their future colleagues is a powerful way to kickstart the connection-building process. Consider creating a team introduction email or using collaboration tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams to introduce them to their team members. Encourage team members to reach out and welcome the new hire, fostering a sense of inclusiveness and belonging.

Step 3: Virtual Coffee Chats

Schedule virtual coffee chats between the new hire and their future teammates or even members from other departments. These informal conversations provide an opportunity for introductions, sharing insights, and building rapport. It allows the new hire to ask questions, learn more about the team dynamics, and establish connections beyond their immediate circle.

Step 4: Buddy System

Assigning a buddy or mentor to the new hire can greatly enhance their pre-onboarding experience. This designated person can guide them through the early days, answer questions, and offer support and advice. The buddy can provide insights into the company culture, share best practices, and act as a reliable resource, helping the new hire feel comfortable and connected right from the start.

Step 5: Social Media Connections

Encourage your new hires to connect with their future colleagues and the company’s social media accounts. This allows them to get a glimpse into the team’s activities, events, and culture. It also facilitates casual interactions and builds familiarity before they officially join the organization. Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram can serve as valuable channels for fostering connections.

Step 6: Virtual Team-Building Activities

Organize virtual team-building activities or group projects that involve both current employees and new hires. These activities can range from virtual happy hours to collaborative problem-solving sessions. Engaging in shared experiences builds camaraderie and strengthens bonds, setting the stage for a cohesive and supportive team environment.

Step 7: Check-In Calls

Regular check-in calls between the new hire and their manager or HR representative can make a significant difference. These calls provide an opportunity to address any concerns, clarify expectations, and offer ongoing support. It demonstrates that the organization is invested in its success and well-being, further nurturing the connection between the new hire and the company.

By implementing these steps, you create a foundation of connection and belonging even before the new hires step foot into the office. Cultivating connections during the pre-onboarding phase not only facilitates a smoother transition but also fosters a positive and collaborative company culture. Remember, it’s the people that make an organization thrive, and investing in those connections early on sets the stage for long-term success.

The Information Highway

Pre-onboarding isn’t just about making your new hires feel warm and fuzzy. It’s also about setting them up for success from day one. Provide them with essential information, such as their schedule for the first week, a roadmap of what to expect, and any materials they may need to review. By giving them a head start, you ensure a smooth transition into their new role.


And there you have it—a comprehensive guide to pre-onboarding! By implementing these practices, you can transform your onboarding process and create a lasting impression on your new hires. Remember, pre-onboarding is all about making your new hires feel valued, connected, and excited to join your organization. So, go ahead, give it. 

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