Blog Overview How automated RC DL checks can transform your Logistics business

How automated RC DL checks can transform your Logistics business


For India to become a USD 5$ trillion economy by 2025, the logistic sector will play a very important role. The government identifies improvement in logistics as a major catalyst towards an Atma-Nirbhar Bharat.

After all, improved supply chain efficiencies and reduced logistics costs are key to boosting competitiveness across all sectors of the economy. However, the existing document verification process is one of the major hindrances to the sector’s growth. 

This blog talks about why the existing system of physically verifying vehicle documents is so outdated and how companies can revamp their RC DL checks (Driving Licence – Registration Certificate Verification) processes to reduce their costs. So let’s get started.

The existing process of document verification is failing to meet the surging demand in the logistic sector.

Manual RC DL verification is expensive and time-consuming

The current process of DL-RC verification is entirely manual. Meaning companies and the government rely on humans to provide, collect, and verify documents during drivers’ onboarding. Since the verification process involves many officials, it becomes expensive and cumbersome for the companies.

Inefficient resource management = Incorrect identification

The Turn Around Time (TAT) for the verification process is a whopping 1-2 days! What happens with the documents collected? To save resources, the companies currently only store the documents in one place and do not indulge in the verification process. In other words, such companies have to compromise with driver identification to save time and money.

Strictly a private sector initiative

The government has been successful at introducing regulatory and process-related reforms like the electronic toll collection system FASTag, paperless EXIM trade process through E-Sanchit, and faceless assessment through Turant Customs. This has improved the efficiency of the country’s logistics sector. Yet, reforms related to automated verification of vehicle documents remain overlooked in the past few bills and all initiatives have been driven by the private sector. 

Why Automated RC DL check is the future?

Comprehensive verification from the comfort of your offices

There is no need to stand in long queues in front of motor vehicle offices across the countries to get the data verified. With an ID’s photo or scan, the system automatically reads the information on the document. Then, it verifies the extracted information against the state government’s database via a set of APIs. This ensures your company receives an accurate verification report and automatically red flags any inconsistency or fraud signals. 

Verify & onboard vendors in minutes

Automated DL-RC verification solutions focus on streamlining the process of validating drivers by leveraging modern technologies such as machine learning and calgorithmic checks. This reduces TAT down to just a few minutes. While decreasing friction in the onboarding process, it also ensures compliance with several state transportation laws.

Scale at speed with zero human intervention

Automation eliminates the dependence on the cumbersome and ineffective manual review process by taking humans out of the workflow. Globally, companies like FedEx, Amazon & DHL have been able to scale only with the help of these solutions and visionary companies in India like Flipkart and Rivigo, are leading the band wagon here.

State compliances are no longer a pain in the office

Automated solutions for RC-DL checks help handle a large volume at a pan-India level. A company in Delhi can easily hire a driver/vendor in Telangana or Goa without having to physically visit the motor vehicle offices in that state. Cargo worth billions of USD can be shipped without worrying that the driver may turn out fraudulent or the vehicle might not have the required state permit.

Change is here.

It’s only a matter of time until state governments make it mandatory to e-verify the DL-RCs. The visionary logistics companies which have self-adopted these solutions continue to dominate the present market and will definitely have a higher market share in the longer term. Are you leading in your industry? If not, it’s never too late to adopt these solutions.

Just give us a call and we will prepare an automated ID verification solution customized to your needs and preferences.

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